Need to send a PDF to your kindle? It's simpler than you think!
I know, I know, it sounds like a complicated process, but it really isn't too hard. I'll try to make it as step-by-step as possible. :)
Step One: Find your kindle email address.
First, find your kindle email address. This will be something like [email protected]. You can find this on your kindle, or on your amazon account.
Step Two: Add your regular email to the safe list.
Then, you will need to add your regular email address to your kindle safe list. This feature ensures that spammers can't send stuff to your kindle if they somehow get ahold of your kindle email address. You do that by logging into your amazon account, then going to the Manage my Kindle, then personal document settings. (more detailed instructions at the link).
Step Three: Forward file to your kindle email.
After those two things are done, it's as easy as forwarding an email with the PDF to your kindle email addy. That's it!
Here's the link to the page on Amazon with more detailed instructions.
Step One: Find your kindle email address.
First, find your kindle email address. This will be something like [email protected]. You can find this on your kindle, or on your amazon account.
- To find it on your kindle paperwhite - From your Kindle's home screen, click on the menu button, then go to settings.On the second page, you'll see Send-to-Kindle-Email, and it will list your kindle email addy.
- To find it on Amazon - Log in to your Amazon account, go to Manage Your Kindle, then Manage Your Devices.
Step Two: Add your regular email to the safe list.
Then, you will need to add your regular email address to your kindle safe list. This feature ensures that spammers can't send stuff to your kindle if they somehow get ahold of your kindle email address. You do that by logging into your amazon account, then going to the Manage my Kindle, then personal document settings. (more detailed instructions at the link).
Step Three: Forward file to your kindle email.
After those two things are done, it's as easy as forwarding an email with the PDF to your kindle email addy. That's it!
Here's the link to the page on Amazon with more detailed instructions.